Top 5 Spider-Man games that deserve a sequel ranked from least to most wanted.

Spider-Man has had many iconic adventures across the video game industry, but some left us wanting for more. Here are five Spidey games that deserve a sequel!
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 screenshot, Image courtesy Insomniac Games
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 screenshot, Image courtesy Insomniac Games

Spider-Man is one of the most popular comic book characters ever. As a result, he's made numerous appearances in live-action movies, animated series, comic books, and, of course, video games. Throughout the years we've seen the wall-crawler's adventures in the gaming world evolve from pixelated side scrollers to realistic open-world adventures and everything in between. However, a few of these titles deserved continuations that have yet to be released. So it's time to rank them from least to most wanted!

But before we begin, It's important to remember that some of the games we're about to discuss were developed by Activision - a publisher that eventually lost the Spider-Man IP. That means the chances of them ever getting a sequel are, unfortunately, next to none. However, if for whatever reason the opportunity ever came to be, we have a perfect list of candidates for contention.

5. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

When Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows was released, reactions were pretty mixed. Some thought it was the best wall-crawler title since the release of Spider-Man 2 while others hated it as they felt it had an empty map and was too serious for its own good. However, as time has gone by, people have started to come around and see this game for what it truly is: a fun experience that may just have some of the best combat and traversal in any Spider-Man game.

Funnily enough, a sequel for Spider-Man: Web of Shadows titled Spider-Man Classic was in the works before it was ultimately scrapped. It was meant to fix all the complaints players had with its predecessor while further enhancing fan-favorite mechanics such as web-swinging and combat. Additionally, the Wolverine would've also made a grand return. While it's still unknown if he was supposed to be a playable character, let's imagine for a second that was meant to be the case. It would've proven to be a must-play for Marvel fans, without a doubt.

For being a game that heavily featured symbiotes, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows was famously missing Carnage. So if a follow-up is ever released, it should feature the deranged villain as the main antagonist to finally bring the saga to an end.

4. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimension is a very unique title in that it doesn't have just one or two main characters. Instead, it gives players four different versions of our friendly neighborhood hero to control, each with its own unique gameplay mechanics, art style, and tailored level designs. When this game was released, it couldn't be faulted for its unique concept or everything it achieved. Instead, players were a bit unsatisfied with what wasn't there.

This is one of the few "modern" Spider-Man games that doesn't feature an open map filled with secondary missions or side quests to complete. Besides, it contains just 12 levels that feature very little (if any) replay value. On average, it takes players around 10 to 12 hours to complete this title, which isn't really a lot. However, the foundation is there for a sequel to take things to the next level.

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions 2 should refrain from featuring one big open world like its predecessor. Instead, it could present different isolated maps for every playable character. Each one should aim to be rich and dense rather than big. Besides, the game could add to the mix new playable characters including the likes of Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales. Let's face it: multiversal superhero stories are popular nowadays, so developers could go all-in with this concept.

The story could be a little less linear this time around, with a new villain taking Mysterio's place. Could Morlun be the one to replace him in a loose adaptation of the Spider-Verse comic book saga? Well, it doesn't hurt to dream.

3. Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man holds up surprisingly well for its age. Perhaps it's the stylized comic book graphics that make it feel timeless. Sure, the open world is rather small and it doesn't have gameplay mechanics as polished as Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4. But it does give players the option to wreak havoc as Venom while feeding on people to replenish health. Come on, how cool was that?

Ultimate Spider-Man mostly revolved around the story between the wall-crawler and The Lethal Protector. However, the comic book series it's inspired by has many more stories worthy of an adaptation. Wilson Fisk was notably absent even when he was one of the first foes Peter faced in the source material. Besides, the likes of Doctor Octopus, Black Cat, Gwen Stacy, and Kraven the superstar Hunter were nowhere to be found either.

If a sequel were to come by, it should take full advantage of modern technology to make the graphics even more stylized. A bigger open world should also be featured - one that includes more suits, collectibles, and side missions for players to come by. And keeping the theme of having a villain as a playable character: What if we could destroy the city as a different super-powered monster in the form of Green Goblin? That would allow for the perfect opportunity to adapt the Death of Spider-Man storyline and open the way for Miles Morales to have its very own video game franchise down the line.

Yeah, this sequel feels like a must.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Miles Brooklyn Swing screenshot
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 screenshot, Image courtesy Insomniac Games

2. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

After Marvel's Spider-Man for PS4 was first released, many believed it was the ultimate Spider-Man experience in any video game. However, two years later Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales hit stores and proved us all wrong by surpassing its predecessor in every aspect. So it's time for Insomniac to repeat history once again.

While Marvel's Spider-Man 2 featured the return of Miles Morales, he didn't have such a strong arc as Peter. Sure, it was nice to see him be the voice of reason almost all the time. And for those instances where he wasn't, it's because he had to face his father's killer Martin Li, which was interesting to watch. However, the whole "college application essay" story wasn't as powerful as what Peter had to go through. So by all means, Miles deserves another game on his own with a new unique arc.

Insomniac has explained that Symkaria is under a dictatorship in their universe, and there might be a chance that Doctor Doom is the mastermind behind it. After all, Symkaria and Latveria are next to each other on comic book pages. So when you remember Miles and the Fantastic Four supervillain went toe-to-toe in the Ultimate universe, it all comes together for a potential (and exciting) story-line in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales 2 (or whatever they end up calling it, since what I've written sounds way too convoluted).

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Pete and Miles
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 screenshot, Image courtesy Insomniac Games

1. Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Was there any other way to end this list? Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is arguably the biggest and best video game featuring the web-slinger to date. But while it ended on a happy note - with Venom being out of the picture and Peter ditching the super suit to build a life with M.J. - we all know Insomniac's story is far from over. After the brief introduction of Cindy Moon and the Green Goblin tease, we need a new chapter in the franchise.

Marvel's Spider-Man 3 could introduce long-awaited mechanics such as destructible environments, a multiplayer mode, and three playable arachnid heroes. Besides, it has the chance to create the most relentless villains of the saga in the form of the Green Goblin and Carnage. And now that we know Insomniac Games is working on a Wolverine game, could we hope for a potential team-up between these iconic Marvel heroes? Even setting them up for an encounter down the line would do the work.

Unfortunately, we're a long way off from this game. After all, we have yet to see DLC for Marvel's Spider-Man 2. But when the day finally comes for the threequel we'll be playing day one no matter what.