Here's what happened to Michael Keaton's Vulture after the death of the SSU

With the news that Sony's Spider-Man Universe is officially dead, we have to ask ourselves: What happened to Michael Keaton's Vulture?
Vulture is slowed by Spider-Man's webbing in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN™: HOMECOMING.
Vulture is slowed by Spider-Man's webbing in Columbia Pictures' SPIDER-MAN™: HOMECOMING.

Sony's Spider-Man Universe is officially dead after three different sagas comprising six movies. The studio's attempt to create interconnected projects based on Spider-Man villains was torn down for the second time in a row (remember how there were plans for a Sinister Six film during The Amazing Spider-Man era?). That means we won't ever get to see what happened to characters such as Morbius, Madame Web, and Kraven. Venom could be the exception as audiences might see him appear in Spider-Man 4. But everyone else? Yeah, they're gone for good.

Wait, come to think of it, wasn't Michael Keaton's Vulture last seen in the SSU? Oh, boy.

That's right, the post-credits scene of Morbius saw Adrian Toomes unexplainably transported from the MCU to the SSU. It was heavily implied he and Morbius would form a new version of the Sinister Six to fight against a Spider-Man variant. But while it's safe to say those plans will never come to be, we also need to ask ourselves: What will happen to Vulture? Is he just gone as well? What a complicated situation the supervillain found himself in. Fortunately, it looks like we might have an answer to this lingering mystery.

The Vulture was reportedly brought back to the MCU offscreen

According to established superhero insider Alex Perez, Adrian Toomes did return to the MCU — it just happened offscreen. That implies audiences haven't seen the last of Tom Holland's first nemesis. Otherwise, he'd just be forgotten along with Madame Web and Morbius. With that in mind, it's worth revisiting the reports that claimed Vulture would appear in Spider-Man 4. Maybe there's more validity to them than initially thought, and that's why Marvel has already decided to bring the supervillain back home.

It'll be interesting to see how Marvel acknowledges the situation. How did Vulture manage to get back home, after all? Did he return home once the whole world forgot about Peter's existence? It wouldn't make sense since he didn't arrive in the SSU because he knew Spider-Man's secret identity (not that there's a Spidey in that universe, after all). If I'm being honest, I think the best strategy here is to ignore the situation altogether.

If box office results are anything to go by, then not many people watched Morbius. Even less would actively think about Vulture's visit to the SSU if he appears in another MCU project. Besides, any kind of explanation Marvel attempts to give as to why he left and came back would only create more plot holes. So we could just unanimously pretend the last time we saw him was during the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming. That way, we avoid many more issues.

Now that the whole world has forgotten about Peter Parker's existence, it would be safe to assume Adrian Toomes would stop at nothing to hunt Spider-Man. After all, the only reason he didn't give away the wall-crawler's true identity in jail is because of the respect he had towards Peter. But if he can't remember who is under the mask, then maybe trying to take down the hero wouldn't feel so bad. It would allow for an interesting dynamic since Peter does know who Vulture is, and he'd be even more reluctant to face him for the second time.

Only time will tell what will really happen to Michael Keaton's character in the MCU. But fingers crossed we haven't seen the last of him yet, as he absolutely killed it in that role.